No matter how prepared for each day you might try to be, life will always throw some curveballs in there. You know the saying “when we plan, God laughs”! Thankfully there are some tried and true techniques that will empower you to live boldly and shine throughout your day, regardless of the circumstances!
Gratitude and Prayer - Every morning I begin my day with gratitude journaling. If you have never done this, I promise that it’s life changing - and I’ll go into more detail in a separate post! Science shows that when we write things down, we are far more likely to both believe them and put them into practice. Our brain is physically not capable of complaining when we are expressing gratitude, so training yourself to do this will fundamentally rewire you to think differently! Thanking God for his abundant gifts and blessings, while asking Him to go before you throughout your day is one of the boldest routines to develop!
Affirmations - Start each day naming 3 qualities that you love about yourself! Challenge yourself to switch them up and think outside of the box. Speak them out loud as though you are amping yourself up to go win an Oscar! Talk to yourself in the same manner as you would talk to your best friend, with encouragement and grace!
Plan Outfits/Wear Color - Save yourself time in the mornings by planning outfits the night before, or even for the entire week! Also, the power of dopamine dressing is so real! Incorporate bold and bright colors into your wardrobe to instantly boost your happy hormones. If you’re scared to commit to a clothing item, start with an accessory! Each time you see it you’ll smile throughout the day!
Move your body - Whether you only have 5 minutes or an hour to spare, move your body in some form that brings you joy! I end each evening walking on my treadmill, and I also love to incorporate pilates and strength training. Summer walks are one of my non-negotiables and dance videos are a fun tool to move in a different way! Find something that you love, so you’ll be consistent with it!
Power Pose - It might seem silly at first, but there’s a reason why all superheroes have a signature stance! Channel your inner Wonder Woman first thing in the day, before a big moment at work, or if you’re simply feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Science shows that it triggers our brain to fire in a more confident manner!
Which one of these are you going to try first?! Tell me which is your favorite!